I am convinced that my car is under some sort of cruel math curse. In 2005, shortly after I first purchased it, I went outside one morning to find it covered in green paint (the culprit of this act is still at large). A few years later my rear view mirror broke off, then last winter I slid off the road, crashed into the curb and threw out my alignmnet. The mishaps seemed to be getting closer and closer...
This past Labor Day, my car was towed, then three months later my passenger's side window was shattered and my school bag was stolen... Then only a few weeks ago I locked my keys in the car while it was running...... earlier this past week my car just wouldn't start, like tha battery was dead, it took several minutes before the ignition would turn over.
As I reflected on all these incidents, they seemed to occur more frequent each time, and it reminded me of Fibonacci's sequence: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 etc... with each successive number being a combination of the two previous ones. I think the sequence is working in reverse for my car, it is a countdown......I have only days left until the car seriously runs into problems...... I know that nature is repleat with this pattern, but my car? Seriously! There's nothing so 'golden' about THIS ratio.
Don't worry... if your car breaks down completely I'll help you out... just call me the taxi... :)
I knew it!!!!! Math does not lie. Just this last saturday when I left the temple....I had a flat tire..... Luckily, however, the pattern is waning, as I should have had something this week. Let's ope it is over and not just inverting itself now.
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